When certain herbicide chemistries are added to water, the negative charges in the herbicide molecules attract the positive ions (cations) in water (i.e. calcium, potassium, magnesium) which can prevent or hinder uptake of the herbicide into the plant, effectively reducing herbicide performance. Water conditioners sequester and chelate cations freeing the herbicide molecules to perform more effectively.
Chemorse offers Ammonium Sulfate (AMS) and Non-Ammonium Sulfate based water conditioners. These contain acidifiers, buffering, and chelating agents and are designed for use with pesticides affected by hard water conditions. These products offer the following benefits:
- Prevents hard water cation interaction with pesticidal salts
- Provides ammoniacal nitrogen (AMS products only – not desired with Dicamba tank mixes)
- Reduces the pH of the tank mix (AMS products only – not desired with Dicamba tank mixes)
- Controls alkalinity caused by carbonate compounds
- Enhances uptake of herbicide in various plant species
- Aids in mixability and solubility of certain pesticides, especially Glyphosates, 2,4-D amines, Garlon salts and Dicamba